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Table 2 Section II: Mothers’ oral health knowledge and attitudes during pregnancy

From: Knowledge and attitudes on oral health of women during pregnancy and their children: an online survey




N (%)

N (%)

Did you experience any problems with your teeth or gums during your pregnancy?

170 (28.33)

430 (71.67)

Did you regularly visit the dentist/dental hygienist before your pregnancy?

443 (73.83)

157 (26.17)

Did you visit the dentist/dental hygienist during pregnancy?

216 (36.00)

384 (64.00)

If the answer is ‘no’, give one closest reason why you did not go to the dentist.


 Because I thought my gums would soon recover

26 (7.77)


 Because I knew that mouth problems can be pregnancy-related

12 (3.13)


 Because the dentist could have used drugs without consulting my gynecologist

10 (2.60)


 Because the dentist/dental hygienist could not have done any treatment

23 (5.99)


 Because I had no oral problems during pregnancy

245 (63.80)


 No specific reason

68 (17.71)


 Other reason

0 (0.00)


Do you think that gum problems, such as bleeding when brushing teeth, can influence the course of pregnancy and/or the health of the baby at birth?

125 (20.83)

475 (79.17)

Have you ever heard of a possible relationship between oral health and pregnancy?

352 (58.67)

248 (41.33)

If the answer is ‘yes’, where did you hear this? (More than one answer was possible)


 I read it in a book/journal/online resources



 My gynecologist told me about it



 My dentist/dental hygienist told me about it



 I heard it from friends/colleagues/relatives



 I experienced this during pregnancy



Did you receive advice on your oral health during pregnancy or on the future health of your child?

161 (26.83)

439 (73.17)

During pregnancy, who give you advice on your oral health or that future of the baby?


 General practitioner

1 (0.62)



23 (14.29)



3 (1.86)


 Dentist/dental hygienist

121 (75.16)



13 (8.07)