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From: The effectiveness of chitosan as a hemostatic in dentistry in patients with antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy: systematic review with meta-analysis


hemostatic dressing AND dentistry

(“haemostat“[All Fields] OR “haemostatically“[All Fields] OR “haemostatics“[All Fields] OR “hemostatics“[Pharmacological Action] OR “hemostatics“[MeSH Terms] OR “hemostatics“[All Fields] OR “haemostats“[All Fields] OR “hemostasis“[MeSH Terms] OR “hemostasis“[All Fields] OR “haemostatic“[All Fields] OR “hemostat“[All Fields] OR “hemostatically“[All Fields] OR “hemostatic“[All Fields] OR “hemostats“[All Fields]) AND (“bandages“[MeSH Terms] OR “bandages“[All Fields] OR “dressing“[All Fields] OR “dressings“[All Fields] OR “dress“[All Fields] OR “dressed“[All Fields] OR “dresses“[All Fields] OR “dressing s“[All Fields]) AND (“dentistry“[MeSH Terms] OR “dentistry“[All Fields] OR “dentistry s“[All Fields])

Web of Science

(hemostatic dressing) AND (dentistry) (ALL FIELDS)


TITLE (hemostatic dressing) AND (dentistry)


(hemostatic dressing) AND (dentistry) (ALL FIELDS)


hemostatic dressing AND dentistry

(“haemostat“[All Fields] OR “haemostatically“[All Fields] OR “haemostatics“[All Fields] OR “hemostatics“[Pharmacological Action] OR “hemostatics“[MeSH Terms] OR “hemostatics“[All Fields] OR “haemostats“[All Fields] OR “hemostasis“[MeSH Terms] OR “hemostasis“[All Fields] OR “haemostatic“[All Fields] OR “hemostat“[All Fields] OR “hemostatically“[All Fields] OR “hemostatic“[All Fields] OR “hemostats“[All Fields]) AND (“bandages“[MeSH Terms] OR “bandages“[All Fields] OR “dressing“[All Fields] OR “dressings“[All Fields] OR “dress“[All Fields] OR “dressed“[All Fields] OR “dresses“[All Fields] OR “dressing s“[All Fields]) AND (“dentistry“[MeSH Terms] OR “dentistry“[All Fields] OR “dentistry s“[All Fields])