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Fig. 2 | BMC Oral Health

Fig. 2

From: Effect of highly concentrated bleaching gels on enamel microhardness and superficial morphology, and the recovery action of four remineralizing agents

Fig. 2

A: untreated enamel surface observed under 6000× magnification. B: Enamel surface subjected to bleaching (6000× magnification). C: Distribution of minerals on the enamel surface bleached and remineralized with Tooth Mouse (6000× magnification). D: Distribution of minerals on the enamel surface bleached and remineralized with Remin-Pro (6000× magnification). E: Distribution of minerals on the enamel surface bleached and remineralized with Remin-Pro (6000× magnification). F: Distribution of minerals on the enamel surface bleached and remineralized with Mirafluor C (6000× magnification)

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