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Table 7 Non-surgical periodontal treatment, treatment time and limitations

From: Influence of obesity on the outcome of non-surgical periodontal therapy - a systematic review

Author & Year

Non-surgical periodontal treatment

Treatment time;

periodontal maintenance


Al – Zahrani et al. 2012 [8]

Oral hygiene instructions,

SRP performed by one operator




Bouaziz et al. 2015 [28]

Oral hygiene instructions (brushing technique: Bass technique, use of interproximal hygiene devices, CHX mouthwash (0.12 %) twice a day for 7 days),

SRP under local anesthesia using an ultrasonic device and manual curets,

aim of each session was to remove biofilms and calculus of scaled roots,

treatment protocol did not include antibiotic treatment,

all treatments procedures were performed by the same periodontist (WB)

2-3 sessions for probing depth (PD) > 5 mm lasting 1 h each within 7 days;

Oral hygiene was controlled at each appointment,

hygiene instructions were repeated if needed

at the 3-month examination, reinstruction of oral hygiene methods was performed if needed, and residual pockets ≥ 4 mm were systematically scaled and planed

During the study, two patients dropped out in each group for the following reasons:

1) two patients migrated;

2) one missed the 3-month examination;

3) one missed the final examination

Duzagac et al. 2015 [29]

Oral hygiene instructions,

all kinds of dental treatments, such as fillings and adjustment of overhanging restorations, were completed immediately after patient enrollment,

SRP using a reduced Gracey curette set (Gracey, SAS 5-6, SAS 7-8, SAS 11-12, SAS13- 14, Hu-Friedy) with an ultrasonic device (Dentsply/Cavitron, SPS, 30 K, TFI 1000, Dentsply, York, PA, USA) under local anesthesia,

endpoint of treatment: a smooth tooth surface,

patients received no adjunctive therapy (local or systemic antibiotics, NSAI, laser, ozonotherapy and mouth rinses),

an experienced periodontist (EC) performed all treatment procedures

(SRP, providing oral hygiene instructions and organizing patient recalls)

SRP in 4 sequential visits with 2 or 3 days intervals

completed within 12 days,

each appointment lasted 45 min;

all patients received monthly periodontal maintenance, including oral hygiene reinforcement, scaling and polishing as necessary

8 were excluded for several reasons

did not return for 3 months follow-up,


weight loss

Eldin et al. 2013 [30]

Oral hygiene instructions,



periodontal maintenance (re-examination) performed weekly for 3 months after therapy


Gonçalves et al. 2015 [31]

Oral hygiene instructions,

Supragingival plaque and calculus removal, exodontia, filling overhang removal and provisional restoration as necessary,

trained periodontist performed SRP with manual curets and ultrasonic device under local anesthesia,

endpoint for each SRP appointment was “smoothness of the scaled roots.”

4 to 6 appointments lasting ≈ 1 h each,

periodontal therapy was completed in 14 days;

periodontal maintenance at 3 and 6 months after


3 patients from the group without obesity and 6 from the group with obesity did not return for the 3-months follow-up visit and were excluded.

Author & Year

Non-surgical periodontal treatment

Treatment time; periodontal maintenance

Adverse events

Gonçalves et al. 2015 [32]

Oral hygiene instructions regarding brushing technique and

use of dental floss,

supragingival plaque and calculus removal, exodontia, provisional restoration and filling overhang removal, as necessary,

trained periodontist performed SRP using manual curettes (Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL, USA) and ultrasonic device (Cavitron Select SPC, Dentsply professional, York, PA, USA), under local anaesthesia,

without use of local and/or systemic antimicrobials.

4 to 6 appointments lasting approximately 1 h each, Periodontal therapy completed within 2 weeks;

All patients received periodontal maintenance

every 3 months post-therapy

There were no patient and sampled site dropouts during the course of the study.

Lakkis et al. 2011 [33]

Oral hygiene instructions,





Suvan et al. 2014 [34]

Oral hygiene instructions,

full-mouth mechanical periodontal debridement with hand and ultrasonic instruments performed with local anesthesia by the same clinician

Within a 24-h period of time;


No individuals in the sample had missing data for any of the covariates listed in this study.

  1. CHX chlorhexidine, min minute, mm millimeter, n.r. not reported, PD pocket depth, SRP scaling and root planing