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Table 3 Association between environmental, sociocultural, behavioural, dental care and severe early childhood caries

From: Severe early childhood caries and social determinants in three-year-old children from Northern Thailand: a birth cohort study


Severe early childhood caries


UOR (95 % CI)

AORa (95 % CI)

Environmental risk factors


Drinking water in the household: Rain, well or other (base = Bottled or pipe)

1.30 (0.94–1.81)****

1.52 (1.00–2.33)*

Low birth weight (<2500 g) (base = ≥2500 g)

0.97 (0.53–1.78)


Height in cms at 6 months

1.01 (0.95–1.08)


BMI score at 3 years

0.98 (0.92–1.03)


Smoking during pregnancy (base = no) [too few cases]

1.24 (0.08–19.99)


Secondary smoke (at 1 year) (base = no)

1.26 (0.87–1.81)****


Mother with dental cavitation(s) at baseline (base = none)

1.05 (0.72–1.52)


Sociocultural risk factors


Mother’s age at child’s birth (in years)






1.13 (0.62–2.06)



0.81 (0.48–1.38)

Mother’s schooling at child’s birth






2.82 (1.61–4.91)***

2.06 (1.24–3.42)**

 High school

2.82 (1.61–4.95)***

2.21 (1.32–3.71)**

 Post-high school

1.08 (0.60–1.93)

1.04 (0.45–2.54)

Household income (in Thai Baht)






1.64 (1.04–2.59)*



0.76 (0.49–1.17)****

 200,000 plus

0.44 (0.27–0.69)***

Religious affiliation: Buddhist (base = Muslim and other)

1.56 (0.96–2.53)****


Single parent (base = not)

0.97 (0.69–1.36)


Family size

0.94 (0.88–1.01)


Sex of child: Male (base = female)

1.56 (1.13–2.11)**

1.68 (1.11–2.53)*

First child in family (base = no)

1.21 (0.84–1.75)


Risk behaviour


Infant feeding at 6 months


 Never breast fed



 Breast feeding: 1–3 months

0.57 (0.38–0.85)**

0.63 (0.38–1.04)

 Breast feeding: 4 months or more

0.77 (0.52–1.15)****


Nocturnal feeding at 12 months


 Suckle to sleep when going to bed

1.61 (0.77–3.38)****


Introduction of soft drinks at 12 months: 6–12 months (base = none)

1.45 (1.04–2.01)*


Sleeps with bottle at 30 months: 1–6 times/week (base = no)

1.64 (1.13–2.40)**

1.79 (1.10–2.92)*

Sweet food index in days in a week at 30 months: 3–7 times (base = 0–2 times)

1.23 (1.08–1.41)**


Brushing teeth in the past 2 weeks at 12 months (base = no)

1.25 (0.90–1.74)****


Brush with tooth paste at 12 months (base = no)

1.20 (0.70–2.07)


Brushing teeth at 26 months: Less than daily (base = At least once daily)

1.49 (1.02–2.17)*


Brushing teeth at 26 months with fluoride tooth paste (base = no)

1.20 (0.70–2.07)

Use of oral health services


Dental visit before 30 months of age (base = no)

1.68 (0.89–3.18)

  1. UOR Unadjusted Odds Ratio; AOR Adjusted Odds Ratio, CI Confidence Interval
  2. ***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; ****P ≤ 0.25
  3. aUsing P ≤ 0.25 as a selection criteria in univariate analysis; Backward conditional logistic regression method; Hosmer and Lemeshow Test: Chi-square = 4.23, P = 0.837; Nagelkerke R2 = 0.10